Sunday, July 20, 2008

Life and pacifism

If humanity is to rebuild a new society, I think that it must follow certain precepts without hypocrisy in order for it to flourish. This is where it must differ from the communist revolutions, for example the Russian revolution where Lenin gave the workers human rights but eventually retracted them as he found that the economic progress was not sufficiently big for him. ( I know that this is a massive oversimplification, but I still think that it is significant).
If we base society on certain principles, I think that these principles must not be absolute, but relative in terms of pacifism, for pacifism is the decision to not harm life and in any community, the lives of the citizens must be more important than any rules manifested by the principles by which that community was made.
Therefore, I think that a society must be based on pacifism to protect its citizens for the future.


I think that we need to doubt everything that we have been told and look at the world through eyes fresh with the clarity of open-mindedness to solve the problems with which we are now burdened.
Firstly I think we should question the identity of our society, as for so long now, we have been told that we are living in a democracy, despite the fact that those over the age of eighteen get a handful of votes across several years to democratically decide what should be done. Maybe this is democracy and it is the best that we can come up with. However, I do not think that this is necessarily true. If we were truly a democracy, would every member of our society not have a voice in what happens, which consequently would necessitate the decentralisation of the government, so that small communities could govern themselves.
Therefore, I think we should stop acting like consumers who choose from our favourite governmental products and claim our freedom, by becoming democratic citizens. I hope that you think about this yourself and don't listen to me or anyone else, so that you can form your own opinion, for I may be entirely wrong.